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Types of home-based businesses before Lebaran - Idul Fitri or Eid al-Fitr is one of the full moon blessing for Muslims who celebrate it, besides full of blessings and rewards Idul Fitri is also known as the month full of tradition and celebration, at least for our country Indonesia. While the month of Eid comes the millions of Muslims in Indonesia will be busy holding various traditions and celebrations, such as a tradition of traditions deliver food, provide a variety of foods at home as a provider of good dishes for family and guests.


With a variety of traditions and celebrations that often occur in the days of Eid tersebuat then automatically all kinds of people will buy a lot of needs to welcome the arrival of Eid , this course will provide a variety of opportunities and businesses that are open not only to businesses but also to businessmen remain seasonal business only just before the Eid moon arrives . To know the various business opportunities that usually come during the month of Eid arrives, we display the various types of home-based business before Eid .

The first is the type of home-based food businesses, both main meals and snacks.

This type of business can be done as a kind of home-based businesses because it is very easy in terms of managing and providing them with a small capital , ideal for done by mothers who want to increase revenue from the sale of food for Eid dishes. The main food like ketupat menu for dining, sales targets aimed at busy families who could not serve its own main meals, while snacks tend to be more in demand because of various kinds of food is hunted by many families as a complement in leabran, these snacks can snack such parcel cakes and so on.

Types of home-based business before the second Ramadan is a business fashion.
Business Opportunities After Lebaran

Generally, the Muslims who follow the Eid or Eid prayers require a variety of clothing such as supporting the mukena Eid, prayer rugs, prayer muslim clothes and other supplies. Menjalang when Ramadan and Eid Muslims worship will do various things with more intensity and higher support the needs of a variety of fashion worship even bigger.
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