The Best Outbound Training Camp Provider in Makassar
Our outbound wilderness training aims to provide youth an experience to be remembered while impacting exponential growth without technology.
Outbound Camps
Without a doubt, technology have provided tons of improvement and convenience into our lives. However, there is always two sides of a coin. While gaining convenience, we, as users become more and more comfortable. Maybe even to the extend that we are over-reliant on technology and may forget the very foundation on how to even protect ourselves in various aspect – physical, mental and spiritual. Or as we would put it, lack of survival instinct in life.
Hence, we have modulate our outbound camps to serve as a survival instinct vaccine! To revisit the need to improve and improvise, especially without the expense of technology. What good will it be, if you have your phone without a service? When you are in the jungle or the wilderness, we believe our thought would only focus on one simple things: SURVIVE! and that is what we are going to guide and let youth experience! Through that, we believe it would be the best learning experience.
Kallebos Outbound
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pelatihan Outbound Training, Family Gathering, Outing Kantor, Team building, Meeting, Amazing Race, Exhibition, Rafting, Paintball, Offroad, Camp Ground dan Tour Wisata Makassar, Toraja, Pantai Bira, Bali, Lombok, Yogya, Malang, Bandung dan Kota Lainya.
- Harga Terjangkau
- Untuk semua Program
- Tanpa Biaya tersembunyi
- Pelayanan Menyenangkan
- Profesional berpengalaman